The book "Strictly Elvis Vol. 2: 1976-1977" has been released. It is the follow up book by Keith Alverson and Erik Lorentzen to last year's "Strictly Elvis Vol. 1: 1973-1974 - 1975". Volume 2 covers the years 1976 and 1977 on 432 color pages containing over 1200 photos. During these two years Keith Alverson attended 26 concerts, the first being Johnson City, TN - March 19, 1976 Keith Alverson on the Elvis Information Network website: "I am sort of relieved to have finished this book all the while it was fun and interesting to see some of the photos that I have never seen before it seemed after 40 years of being tucked away in negative protectors. It took over six months to scan all of the negatives while correcting the years of abuse that the photo labs scratched and neglected. Then another month of writing and compiling information for each concert I attended. "There are probably over 800 unpublished photos to my knowledge that fans will never have seen before." Here are a few previews, read the complete interview with Keith Alverson on the great >>> Elvis Information Network website. (Source: Elvis Files / Elvis Information Network)