This will be the first time that an exhibition of such size will be mounted outside the United States. The Elvis Experience will feature over 500 rare and personal items such as tools, documents and photos - most of which have never been seen outside of Graceland.
Among the items are Elvis’ red MG automobile as featured in his classic film “Blue Hawaii,” a gold plated rotary dial telephone from Elvis upstairs bedroom, and his signature white suit featured in the closing number of his 1968 television special now referred to as the "’68 Special.” One of the most recognizable items traveling from Memphis to Brazil is one of the American Eagle jumpsuits Elvis used for the 1973 “Aloha from Hawaii” television special, the world’s first LIVE televised satellite concert.

Elvis Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite
The CD 'Elvis Aloha From Hawaii' (1998 edition) was re-issued in Germany in the new Sony Music series 'Alben Für Die Ewigkeit'.
(Source: EPE / Elvis Info)