A series of essential books: "It's a book I've been looking forward to. A real reference not just for fans, but for everyone. It's amazing what's going on after all these years. I own every book in this series. They are all an incredible source of information. Great reference books and nothing is forgotten for each year.
It's a titanic job. High quality books. With incredible print quality. Interviews and analysis to better understand the impact of the main outputs. And these analyses are fair and precise and often give us a different perspective and above all makes us want to get them."
Riveting Book full of colossal information: "Like all previous editions of the book, from front cover to back it is an invaluable addition to my collection of Elvis Books".
On the first day of release, the book climbed to the No. 1 spot on Amazon U.S. Pop Culture Encyclopedias best seller list and on the Hot New Releases lists for the categories 'Almanacs & Yearbooks' and 'Pop Culture Encyclopedias'.
From Facebook: "I was very impressed with last years Elvis Day By Day News 2023 book! If you want a book that looks great, is easy to use and captures all the releases and news from 2024 using stunning imagery and a great layout this is a must buy for me."
"This is my annual bible, 480 pages! A must-have! Thumbs up!".
And today Piers Beagley wrote a great review in the Elvis Information Network, stating: "Elvis is still impacting the world we live in. His legacy is truly stunning. To appreciate Elvis’ lasting impact we actually need an “Annual” summary where we can take it all in - and this is what ‘Elvis Day By Day 2024’ provides.
Over the 480 pages there is so much to discuss, lots to debate and always stunning images. Plus some delicious negative reviews. What makes the Elvis world so fascinating 47 years after his death is that there is still so much talk about and so much being released - both good and bad! And always plenty still to investigate and learn. If you are an Elvis collector I think you will truly enjoy this book."
Read the complete review on the >>> Elvis Information Network website.
Do you want a copy too? Go to the Poplar Tunes webshop for signed copies of the >>> paperback edition or the >>> hardcover edition.
Or visit your local Amazon store through these direct links:
>>> Paperback edition from >>> Amazon.co.uk.
>>> Paperback edition from >>> Amazon.com.
>>> Paperback edition from >>> Amazon.de.
>>> Paperback edition from >>> Amazon.ca.
>>> Paperback edition from >>> Amazon.co.jp.
>>> Paperback edition from >>> Amazon.com.au.
You can also get the book from the >>> United Elvis Presley Society or >>> ElvisMatters fanclubs, >>> Bennies Fifties webshop or the >>> German TCB Shop. More webshops will be added shortly.