Friday, March 14, 2025

March 14 - Radio Specials and More

Released by an unknown import record label is the limited edition double CD 'Singer Presents Radio Specials and More', featuring 3 radio specials from 1967 and 1968.
Publicity stated: The first disc opens with a previously unreleased radio special that was broadcast on December 1st, 1968. It was produced to promote the NBC ‘68 TV special and the record release as well as the 4 ‘Gold(en) Records’ albums referred to as ‘Elvis’ Golden Hits’ albums by announcer Jerry Jay.
Disc 2 kicks off with a Radio special aired on March 19, 1967. This special was produced for the Easter season and to promote the 'How Great Thou Art' album, which was released just a few weeks prior to the broadcast. 

The second disc ends with a special that aired December 3, 1967, to promote Elvis’ Christmas and religious albums and singles, which obviously would a great Christmas gift that year. These radio broadcasts were aired on hundreds of radio stations nationwide. Colonel Parker sure knew how to get the message out on the street: "Buy Elvis for Christmas or at any other occasion!All audio is carefully restored to achieve maximum listening pleasure.
CD 1: Radio Program To Promote The Singer NBC TV Special
Presented to radio stations by Elvis, The Colonel and All Star Shows
KTRB Radio, Modesta - California
Air Date: December 1 1968, introduced by Jerry Jay
01. KTRB jingle 02. Announcer 03. Heartbreak Hotel 04. Announcer 05. Nothingville - Guitar Man 06. Announcer 07. His Latest Flame 08. Announcer 09. Santa Bring My Baby Back To Me 10. Announcer 11. It Hurts Me 12. Announcer 13. Love Me Tender 14. Announcer 15. Tiger Man 16. Announcer 17. Love Me 18. Announcer 19. Crying In The Chapel 20. Announcer 21. Message from Elvis and Santa Claus Is Back In Town 22. Singer Announcement 23. Singer Commercial For The NBV TV Special 24. Singer Commercial For The Flaming Star Album 25. Singer Commercial mentioning the TV Special.
CD 2: Special Palm Sunday programming
Special Palm Sunday Nationwide Easter Radio program 
Air date: March 19 1967, introduced by Buzz Benson
01. Announcer - How Great Thou Art 02. In The Garden 03. Announcer - Somebody Bigger Then You and I 04. Stand By Me 05. Announcer 06. Without Him 07. Where Could I Go But To The Lord 08. Announcer - Red Cross message 09. Announcer - Where No One Stands Alone 10. Announcer - Crying In The Chapel 11. Announcer 

Season’s Greetings From Elvis - Special Christmas Program 
Air date: December 3 1967, introduced by Buzz Benson
12. Introduction - WJBK Radio Detroit 13. Announcer - Here Comes Santa Claus 14. Announcer - Blue Christmas 15. Announcer - O Little Town Of Bethlehem 16. Dale Robertson Christmas Deal Charity Appeal 17. Announcer - Silent Night 18. I’ll Be Home For Christmas 19. Announcer - I Believe 20. Announcer - If Everyday Was Like Christmas 21. Announcer - How Great Thou Art 22. His Hand In Mine 23. Announcer - I’ll Be Home For Christmas 24. Announcer and WJBK Radio Detroit Message

(Source: Email)