Stanley posted in Facebook: I've been keeping a secret, today the secret was posted to the internet. I was a little surprised to see it, myself. I've even been asked to do an interview for it, interviews will have to wait until they are set up by my publisher.

Many of you may have noticed I've been a little quiet lately, this is why. The book will be released on 10-4-22. And, yes it will be sold wherever you live. All the major book stores will have it. You can even pre-order the book online.
I've written several books before, but this one is the one I'm most proud of. I put my heart and soul into this book, and it shows. You will laugh and you will cry when you read this book. I'm proud to say, it will be uplifting, positive, informative and funny. Nothing negative in this book. Nothing!
In closing, I've listened to all of you who said, Billy you should write another book. I searched for the right publisher for this book and found them, all they wanted was all the good things in my life with Elvis. 'The Faith of Elvis' is what all the fans have wanted. I'm thankful to God for letting me be the one to write this book. Have a great one. We love ya!
Description: Billy Stanley, Elvis Presley's stepbrother, shares the untold story of the iconic singer's Christian faith--its deep influence on his music, films, relationships, commitment to his family and fans, and his love for the Gospel.
When seven-year-old Billy Stanley and his two younger brothers moved to Graceland in 1960, Elvis eagerly welcomed them, embracing his new roles as big brother, spiritual mentor, protector, and playmate. On their first night together, Elvis introduced his brothers to bedtime prayers as he thanked God for his new siblings. Soon after, he began to read the Bible with them, and he continued both practices for the next seventeen years.
During Billy and his brothers' teenage years, Elvis shared his experiences of filming movies (including stories about the leading ladies who acted beside him), offered dating advice, and even doled out gentle discipline after two of the brothers once used a blue light to pull over cars in hopes of picking up women. Billy was particularly drawn to the times he bonded with his big brother through car racing, the wind on their faces as they sped through God's creation in Elvis' Ferrari, Pantera, or pink Cadillac.
Billy joined Elvis on tour for several years, helping as part of his road crew, bringing Elvis's Bible along, and witnessing his growing number of adoring fans. Elvis loved his fans in return, which is why he was drawn to Gospel music--it allowed him to share God's abundant love.
In The Faith of Elvis, Billy gives his first-hand accounts of Elvis's life and abiding belief in Jesus and heaven, which has been kept from public view until now. Though the King of Rock and Roll struggled with addiction and with his notorious playboy image, Billy reveals that the true Elvis was deeply committed to ensuring his family and his fans knew the true King, Jesus Christ".
Colored Vinyl

The Glamourama record label re-issued the 'Blue Hawaii' soundtrack. It comes with with the EP 'Kid Galahad' on yellow colored vinyl.
Note: the label named the EP 'King Galahad'.
The Waxtime In Color record label re-issued the albums 'G.I. Blues' on solid blue vinyl, 'Girls! Girls! Girls!' on solid red vinyl, 'His Hand In Mine' on solid brown vinyl and 'King Creole' on solid orange vinyl.
(Source: Elvis Information Network / Pascal Matteo on Facebook / Bill Stanley)